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A comprehensive guide to trauma awareness for maternity care professionals.

A staggering amount of women will report their birthing experience to be traumatic. Awareness of the phenomenon of 'birth trauma' is increasing, however trauma that occurs before or during pregnancy, or postpartum, is less acknowledged. This is despite huge evidence of the harm of psychological trauma.

If you are a healthcare professional or have an interest in maternity care, this e-book is for you. This book addresses the knowledge gap arising from the paucity of psychological trauma training and education afforded to health professionals. You'll learn about general psychological trauma, how it affects the human brain, and how this extends to maternity care. You'll learn how to recognise, and respond to, emotional trauma in the perinatal period.


Just as importantly, this book acknowledges and addresses trauma in health professionals and provides an overview of trauma-focused interventions for optimising outcomes for clinicians, maternity care consumers, their families and organisations.

Perinatal Emotional Trauma in Maternity Care EBook

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